This plate is of 6195 as she was when being flown by Lt.Col. James A Jr. "Jim" Clark from the 1/16/43-4/4/43 .
One other pilot for 6195 was Major Duane W. Beeson when 6195 was coded QP-B who gained a personal tally of 24.25 kills none on 6195 sadly he survived internment as a P.O.W and the war ,but passed away in 1947 .
Try this site for more info
41-6195 with 334 Sq. 4th FG pilot Capt.Alexander Rafalovich he flew 6195 from 4/4/43 to 2/25/44 downing one Me-109 on the 11/3/1943 north east of the Zuider Zee, Netherlands and a 0.5 of a FW-190 kill on the 1/14/1944.
During this time 6195 was ground looped on the 18/09/43 at Debden, pilot Lt. Robert B Fraser but repaired!
6195 was recoded VM-C and retired to a new life at ATCHAM in SHROPSHIRE with the 495th FTG until her loss on the 8th of july 1944 .

In the small museum at fort perch rock on the Wirral is the engine from P-47 41-6195 in a very battered state but when it was recovered and by who I have no idea !.