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Saturday, 15 August 2009

Sea furies f-28 and f-25

On the 19th may 1953, 3 sea furies of the dutch naval air service flying from H.M.S Illustrious were flying in formation over Rhydwyn on Anglesey when in cloud f-43 f-28 and f-25 collided f-25 and 28 crashed with the loss of both the pilots, f-43 made a safe landing at R.A.F.Valley!.
The pic above is the field by Cae Mawr farm where f-28 crashed .

Best i could get to the site of f-25 crash was off the stile by f-28 's crash site as the footpath on the map seem to have er gone missing ,f-25 fell in the field to the right of the farm of Pen-y-Foel's on the left in this pic !
Something will remain some where on such a big area but as it's farmed you would need permission from the farmers

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